

Grade Changes

1. Faculty can change a grade directly in their Faculty Center using the grade roster through the seventh week of the following quarter. 

2. After seven weeks, a grade change digital form must be submitted and can be found in the portal on the Academics tab.

3. Grades should only be changed for clerical errors or miscalculations and should not be change for additional work performed after the original grade submission.

4. If changing from an Incomplete or RP to a letter grade, only the instructor’s signature is required.

5. If changing from a letter grade to letter grade, your department chair and dean’s representative will also be required to sign.

  • Please use as the dean’s level signature for all College of Liberal Arts grade changes (Kate S. Murphy) Associate Dean for Student Success.

6. The only exception to changing a grade after one year is for a senior project that was originally issued as an incomplete and converted to a failing grade. These grades can be changed almost indefinitely.


    Office of the registrar forms

    • Student initiated forms through Office of the Registrar - (the following can all be initiated by the student and the form will circulate appropriately)
      • Change of Catalog
      • Extend Expected Graduation Term (unergrad)
      • Notification of Earlier Graduation Term (undergrad)
      • Excess Unit Petition
      • Late Enrollment Appeal
      • Time Conflict Request
    • Major Course Substitution - Course sub forms need to be initiated by department admin. Email with the name of the student and which courses you approving to sub. Form will be initiated and sent to student, advisor, chair and then to student records. 

    Journalism Concentrations

    • Concentration Application - This form is only public on the student concentration info page during the first three terms of winter and spring terms (prior to future term enrollment). 
      • A student may wish to change concentrations. To do this, they should meet with the concentration coordinator to discuss if that change is right for them and that they can still complete their courses without extending their graduation. 
      • Concentration coordinator may use the concentration application (link above) to assist the student in changing their concentration.
      • Students may only change concentrations once.
    • Concentration Course SubstitutionThis form should be filled out by the concentration coordinator with the student. It will route directly to the registrar's office once complete. 
    • ICS Journalism Concentration - This form is to be completed by faculty adviser and student. 

    Department Forms

    • JOUR 400 Independent Study Contract - (send link to the student, form will automatically send to the department chair for approval, then to Cassandra/Kelsey for permission number)
    • Guest Speaker declaration - please help us keep track of guests who attend/present for your classes. This information is used to support our department's diversity efforts and our Journalism community outreach.
    • Book an appointment with Journalism Tech office, time in the conference room (26-226A), or KCPR or MNTV studio time. 
    • Field Trips and Off-Campus Class Activities - University Instructions (university forms are not fillable, so please complete the forms listed here and email to Cassandra when all students have completed).
      • You can download these forms, complete the appropriate fields and then upload them to your canvas for students to finish and send to you. 
        1. Professor downloads and completes the appropriate fields on the Field Activities Notification form. Use this form for up to 5 field trips per term.
          • Provide this form at the start of the quarter and request the student to complete the remaining fields on page 1 and 2. 
        2. Professor completes the Field Trip Site Evaluation form for each trip - send to Cassandra.
        3. Professor download and complete the top portion of the Sign Out Agreement for each trip. Email it to students to complete, sign and return.
        4. Email completed files to Cassandra OR combine and upload them to Sharepoint/Department/Field Trips/(quarter)/(prof name,course).pdf
    • KCPR Purchasing Request form – to be completed for all KCPR purchases by student leader. 

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